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- Platform
The Mobideo Platform The Mobideo Platform is an integrated suite of applications covering the end-to-end processes related to the safe, compliant and efficient management of industrial workforces. This involves the ingestion of data from various data sources; automatic data digitalization and transformation; and data storage and continuous processing using big data analytics and machine learning, delivering real-time situational awareness and insights on project status at all times
Learn more about the Mobideo Platform
The Connected Workforce
Connects workers to increase productivity, accountability & traceability; connects managers to improve visibility and enhance decision-making.
How it Works
Transforms the execution and management of industrial projects to improve decision-making and optimize resource allocation.
One patented technology. Four core pillars: no code platform, seamless knowhow ingestion, elastic data model and optimal data granularity.
ISO-9001/27001 cyber security certified Platform based on a holistic approach and commitment to security.
One platform to future-proof your digital strategy
The Mobideo Platform supports many use cases as your digitalization journey matures.